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Skysprouts - Organic China Rose Sprouting Seeds (100g, 500g)


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We are really happy we managed to source this incredibly high-quality seed. You can’t beat the vibrant colour and exciting flavour. Their purple colour makes them a beautiful addition to salads and soups. They have a spicy flavour, much like their plant sister Radish.


Organic red clover seeds

Nutritional Information

Alfalfa Sprouts, per 100g:

Calories 23.0 (96.3 kJ)
Total Fat 0.7g
Sodium 6mg
Potassium 79mg
Total Carbohydrate 2.1 g
Protein 4 g

% Daily Value:

Vitamin K: 23%
Vitamin C: 13%
Iron: 5%
Magnesium: 6%

How To Use

Soak 6-12 hours
Rinse 2 x per day morning and evening
Harvest 5 days
Yield 5:1
Shelf life 2 years
