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Clearspring - Organic Japanese Umeboshi Plums - (200g)


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Clearspring Organic Umeboshi are tart, tangy, salt pickled ume plums that have long been a vital part of Japanese cuisine and folk medicine. Small pieces add zest to sushi and rice balls and can be rubbed onto cooked sweetcorn or used in other dishes. Taken alone, umeboshi flesh has been traditionally used as a digestive tonic. Umeboshi are a concentrated food and only a small amount is needed.

Umeboshi production

Clearspring Organic Umeboshi plums are produced on a small scale by a family in Wakayama, the best known ume fruit growing area in Japan. They are passionate about small scale farming and food production, managing their orchard using organic methods and following the traditional slow practice of lactic acid pickling when making their exquisite umeboshi.

They harvest their fruit towards the end of June when it is partially ripe and the juice still acid enough to give the desired tartness to the pickles. Picked too early, and the pickles remain hard, whilst picked later when fully ripe, produces mushy, tasteless pickles.

After harvesting they soak the fruit overnight to remove any bitterness, then pack it in barrels with layers of salt and leave it to pickle for a few weeks. The secret of the pickling process, they say, is to allow the beneficial lactic-acid-forming bacteria to develop before other competing bacteria gain a hold. The right amount of salt - lactic-acid bacteria are salt-tolerant whilst many other species are not - and a cool, dark place for pickling, are critical to this process.

Around late July, when pickling is complete, they dry their umeboshi on trays in the sun and then carry out a second, shorter pickling in the brine of pickled leaves of the fragrant red shiso herb which gives umeboshi their characteristic crimson colour and spicy flavour.

Our producer is exceptionally skilled in using traditional methods, which is why their organic plums are amongst the finest umeboshi products in Japan.


Japanese ume plums* (79%), sea salt, shiso (perilla) leaves* (6%) *organically grown

Further Information

Clearspring is a family business and since 1993 we have been committed to pioneering authentic Japanese specialities and organic fine foods. We are proud to bring you our award-winning ranges that are enjoyed and appreciated throughout the world.

Our core belief is that everyone should have easy access to quality organic food to eat well. Our products make a valuable contribution to sustainable agriculture by supporting organic farmers, artisan food producers and a plant-based diet. Through enriching the soil and caring for the eco-system, we are protecting the world that we pass on to our children.

From the humble beginnings of Japanese miso soup, to over 300 organic products today, our premium quality ranges continue to grow. We are continuously inspired to bring diversity, innovation and the art of wellness through food to our offering. All our products have a distinctive flavour, made with authentic timeless recipes and by traditional methods. We never use any artificial additives or add refined sugars. Our passion is to show you just how delicious and abundant an organic and plant-based diet can be, not only how it tastes, but also how it keeps us healthy and thriving.

We believe in the intrinsic value of our core ingredients and promise to always maintain the integrity of our mission: to provide globally sourced, high quality organic foods made to local, traditional recipes for everybody’s enjoyment and health, now and in the future.

We are committed to protecting the eco-system and the world we live in. By promoting traditional foods made with wholesome ingredients and a plant-based diet, we are supporting organic and regenerative agriculture as well as sustainable living that is in harmony with nature.

We love what we do and invite you to discover the great taste of Clearspring. Please join us on our journey and be part of paving the way to better health for people and planet.


Click here to play the interview with Chris and Maria Dawson of Clearspring Japanese Foods. Chris founded Clearspring in 1993, and was the pioneer of introducing organic Japanese products to the European market. Listen to the interview to learn more about the ethos behind the company, some of their signature products, and why having strong relationships with the farmers who grow and produce the foods is so key.

How To Use

Small pieces add zest to sushi and rice balls and can be rubbed onto cooked sweetcorn or used in other dishes. Taken alone, umeboshi flesh has been traditionally used as a digestive tonic. Umeboshi are a concentrated food and only a small amount is needed.
