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Harmonic Innerprizes - Aulterra - Mineral Essence Spray (1oz)


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Aulterra in a spray.

Aulterra is formulated from two naturally occurring trace mineral deposits, kelp, and a proprietary succussion process. It is a multifaceted, multidimensional product that promotes a higher octave of energy throughout the body.

Dr. David R. Hamilton states in his research paper that, in his evaluation of numerous studies, Aulterra moves whatever it comes in contact with towards negative entropy. Aulterra moves matter/energy in the direction of greater unity and harmony. Dr. Hamilton further observes that the same quantum mechanics involved in any true wellness is identical to the radiant energy emitted from Aulterra

In his laboratory study “Conformational Changes in Human DNA Characterize the Radiated Energy from the Aulterra Formulation,” Dr. Glen Rein Ph.D. states that the energy of Aulterra puts the double helix of the DNA in a quantum oscillation pattern. This oscillation pattern generates radiant energy within itself


Monatomic mineral essence, distilled water, rosemary.

Further Information

Monatomic Elements (ORMES)

What is the White Powder?

The white powder is comprised of a group of elements in a monatomic state. Hudson calls them "ORMES" for "Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements." This is a new form (phase) of matter with entirely different physical properties from normal elements. Conventional chemistry texts have been of little value in explaining ORMEs. Several scientists have started studies of such matter although, to the author's knowledge, none has yet developed a satisfactory theory explaining the phenomena. To date, Hudson's discoveries have neither been conclusively confirmed nor rebutted by independent investigators. 

ORMEs are naturally occurring in certain volcanic soils dating back to a geological event which occurred about 60 million years ago. Such soils are present throughout the western United States. Soils which are considered rich in these elements might contain up to six percent of this material. The remaining 94 percent or more of the material is ordinary dirt comprised mainly of silicon compounds. Initial processing consists of removing the dirt to get the residue. The residue comprises ORMEs or the white powder. 

Because of the unique and valuable physical properties of ORMEs, there has developed a desire to produce them from the metallic form of the elements. In other words, there are reasons to convert metallic precious elements to ORMEs. Hudson told the author that he had found ways to do this although he said that the cost of doing so was prohibitively expensive. The reason for the high cost is due principally to the high, per-ounce cost of most precious metals. The process itself is not particularly expensive. But it is much less expensive to start with natural material and to then simply remove the ordinary elements from the natural material to get pure ORMEs matter. 

Because the percentage of ORMEs in certain, particularly rich volcanic soils is so high (up to 6 percent) in comparison with normal high-grade ore (up to 0.0015 percent), there is considerable interest by mining companies in the technology required to convert ORMEs to their metallic form. The yield increases by a factor of more than 4000. According to Hudson (and confirmed by an independent source,) no mining company has figured out how to do this. Hudson says the processing technique is highly proprietary and will not be disclosed. An independent source in the mining industry says it's an impossibility and that many investors have lost millions trying. 

Spiritual Powers of the White Powder

Hudson said that the naturally-occurring white powder is comprised of all the precious ORMEs in rather fixed proportions. (At least from his ores.) He stated that each ORME affects a different gland (seal) of the body. Ancient literature says that the white powder of gold effects the seventh seal (the pineal gland), other white powders effect other seals. Hudson believes that proper spiritual usage would require that you take all the elements in their naturally-occurring proportions. That's what the Egyptians did. 

Although Hudson did make brief comments about the spiritual qualities of the white powder, we turn instead to the classic literature and to contemporary channellers to learn more about the spiritual qualities of the white powder. It has spiritual effects due to the physical effects of the white powder on each of the seven seals in the body. These are the seven spiritual centers. When all seven seals are open, the body takes on "Christ-like" characteristics. 

A summary of some of the spiritual qualities that are imparted on anyone who takes the white powder internally follow. This list has been derived from a number of classical sources, both written and channelled, and has yet to be confirmed or rebutted by contemporary scientists. Hudson categorically states that his white powder is the same as that found in the ancient pyramids although he offers no independent scientific verification of his statement. Incidentally, contemporary channellers agree that Hudson's material is the same as that found in the pyramids.) 

Some of the literature which discusses the white powder include the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Bible, and The Red Lion. The spirit entity known as Ramtha teaches about about the white powder in his contemporary School of Enlightenment in Yelm, Washington. It has been variously known throughout the ages as "the eye of Horus, manna, the holy grail, and the elixir of life.

  • Restoration of Youth and Vitality 
  • Opening of the Third Eye 
  • Opens the Gateway to the Next Dimension 
  • Allows for the Instant Manifestation of Thought 
  • Lifts the Veil from Prior Lives 
  • Offers Extraordinary Knowingness 
  • Enables Levitation 
  • Enables Ascension

It is said in ancient literature that anyone who uses the white powder will develop a halo about his body. Much channelled information is available about each of these but for the purposes of this report, they are not listed. 

Potential consumers of the white powder for spiritual purposes are encouraged to first read The Red Lion to become more aware of the potential consequences. There is reason to believe that the white powder can be effective in the treatment of both cancer and AIDS. Clinical tests are currently underway. There are physiological reasons to believe these claims. It has been observed that ORMEs work to repair damaged DNA strands in the human body. Do not view it as a "cure-all" patent medicine, however. Nonetheless, the long-term side effects are truly awesome. Some people who are taking "look-alike" white powder products are not experiencing these side effects because the "look-alike" products are not the "real thing." 

Although these monatomic minerals will readily dissolve in the weak hydrochloric stomach acids, and thereby readily enter the bloodstream, both in vitro and in vivo tests have shown that no heavy metal toxicity is associated with these materials. Indeed, the Certificate of Analysis, issued by an independent testing lab, on the product shows that no heavy metals (other than the ordinary trace amounts) appear to be present. Also, no negative side effects have been observed by long term users, nor have blood or kidney tests of these users indicated any type of toxicity whatsoever.


According to recent articles in Scientific American and Physical Review, monatomic elements tend to be prone to transmutation as follows: 

Normal nuclei are roughly spherical in shape, held in place by the overwhelming strong nuclear force, but the nuclei of monatomic elements with only partially filled outer orbitals in the nucleous become deformed when the lack of dipole-dipole interactions with surrounding nuclei causes the protons and neutrons in the partially filled orbitals to be excluded introducing a wobble in the nucleous. 

This deformity increases the particle distance thereby weakening the strong nuclear force (which falls off very rapidly) and allows the electromagnetic repulusion between the protons to begin to overshadow it. So the nuclei of these atoms are more unstable than normal nuclei. If the deformity exceeds a 2:1 ratio the nuclei is classified as superdeformed and can spontaneously fissionable (the naturally occurring, and therefore stable, monatomics probably do not have superdeformed nuclei). 

Not much is known about the circumstances which contribute to this spontaneous transmutation. About all that can be said at this early date is that spontaneous transmutation has been observed to exist. . It is no longer a matter of whether transmutation does or does not exist but under what circumstances such transmutation occurs. 

Hudson pointed out that the ancient Egyptian literature only discusses the white powder of gold. Yet, the powder which was found in the pyramids contained all the monatomic elements in the expected percentages. The dominant element was rhodium. He believes that the reason that the Egyptians only mentioned gold was because they were simply unaware of the other elements. They knew about iron, gold, silver, and copper. If you were to chemically analyze monatomic rhodium, you would believe that you had an iron compound. 

For each ton (2000 pounds) of ore from his sources, Hudson projects the following yields. Note: This assay analysis varies among Hudson's various presentations. This data is a rough composite of them all.

Total amount of white powder:2400 ozs (150 lbs or 67.9 kg)
Yield: 6.25 percent
Typical yield from conventional mining: 0.0015 percent
Yield improvement: 4000X
Approximate Yields of Monatomic Elements:
        Rhodium:    ~1200 ozs (34.1 kg)
        Iridium:      ~800 ozs (22.7 kg)
        Ruthenium: 250 ozs (7.1 kg)
        Osmium:     150 ozs (4.26 kg)
        Platinum:    13 ozs (369 grams)
        Gold:         11 ozs (310 grams)
        Palladium:   6 ozs (170 grams)
        Silver:        Not stated.

Because Hudson says that monatomic gold is convertible to metallic gold, the yield of gold alone from his "ore" is 11 ounces per ton compared with 0.5 ounces per ton from a "rich" ore. That is an improvement of 22X. He says that the major gold mining companies are extremely interested in Hudson's processing techniques and are trying to duplicate his results. Hudson himself is not interested in converting the white powder to the metallic form. His principal concern lies with higher-valued industrial applications. Hudson would prefer that the precious metals market maintain its high prices to justify the royalties which will be charged for the white powder. Contrarily, an independent metals scientist claims it is theoretically impossible to convert commercial quantities of monatomic elements to their metallic forms. Minute quantities can be converted under the exacting conditions of an analytical laboratory but the process cannot be scaled up enough to be of commercial value. 

Hudson stated that he intends to focus all his attention on the monatomic forms of the precious elements. Although he knows how to convert to the metallic state, he intends to avoid doing it. It is far riskier and costly to store and transport metallic gold than it is to store and transport the monatomic state of gold. There is no threat that Hudson will collapse the precious metals market by flooding it with cheap bullion. 

The annual world-wide production of gold is about 240,000 ounces at a cost of about $300 per ounce (selling for about $400.) The consumption is about 300,000 ounces. This might suggest that the price should rise but the central banks (Russia in particular) have been unloading their inventories, keeping prices steady for the last several years. ($350 to $415.) A slowing of selling by the central banks and an increasing demand for metallic gold from India has caused a recent jump in the price of gold to above $415 for the first time in a decade. According to Hudson, the annual capacity of his prototype plant would be about 3300 ounces at an average cost of about $7.50 per ounce. This would hardly be enough gold to impact the world bullion market. 

Hudson says that gold mining interests are extremely interested in his production techniques which reduces the cost of producing gold from about $300 per ounce to below $10 per ounce. If they ever figure out how to do it themselves, there would be a tendency for them to flood the market with this new supply, driving down the world price of gold bullion. But, as already stated, metals scientists are not rushing to endorse Hudson's claims. 

Scientific Evidence

To understand the nature of monatomic elements, we must consider the nature of the metallic state in general. A bulk metal consists of a large number of metal atoms that share electrons. This communal sharing of electrons is what gives a bulk metal most of its chemical and electrical properties. However, when the metal atoms become separated from one another, and assume the form of a small micro-cluster or monatomic configuration, the ordinary chemical and electrical properties normally associated with that metal disappear. 

"Divide and subdivide a solid and the traits of its solidity fade away one by one, like the features of the Cheshire Cat, to be replaced by characteristics that are not those of liquids or gases. They belong instead to a new phase of matter, the micro-cluster. Micro-clusters consist of tiny aggregates comprising from two to several hundred atoms. They pose questions that lie at the heart of solid state physics and chemistry, and the related field of material science. How small must an aggregate of particles become before the character of the substance they once formed is lost? How might the atoms reconfigure if freed from the influence of the matter that surrounds them? If the substance is a metal, how small must this cluster of atoms be to avoid the characteristic sharing of free electrons that underlies conductivity?" -- Scientific American, December 1989; Michael A. Duncan, Dennis H. Rouvray, pp. 110-115 

There is evidence that certain isolated metal atoms may assume what is referred to as a high-spin state. In the late 80's, nuclear physicists at a number of renowned laboratories around the world discovered that 12 transition group metals can be stimulated to assume a unique nuclear configuration, designated as a high-spin nucleus. The 12 metals are listed below in accordance with their columns in the periodic table.





















Unlike ordinary atomic nuclei, which display spherical symmetry, the nuclei of these specially prepared metals possess an elongated nucleus, resembling the shape of a football or a banana. In the technical literature such nuclei are called deformed or superdeformed nuclei. 

"Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley laboratory have been finding that rapidly spinning nuclei with different masses have similar--if not exactly the same--moments of inertia. 'Something is going on,' said Frank F. Stephens, a physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley lab, 'and for reasons we don't understand yet.'" "A spinning nucleus results from an off-center collision between two nuclei that fuse to form a rapidly spinning, elongated body. "The deformed nucleus can take the shape of an American football, a doorknob, or possibly even a banana depending on the collision energy in the nuclei. In a typically deformed nucleus the long axis exceeds the two short axis by about a factor of 1.3. …It is in these superdeformed nuclei that curious goings on have taken place. …The surprise: the spectra of some different superdeformed nuclei were almost identical." -- Scientific American, October 1991; Philip Yam, p. 26

Due to the fact that the nucleons (protons and neutrons) that exist within deformed nuclei display a more regular and higher rate of spin than they do in ordinary nuclei, this unique nuclear configuration has also been termed a high spin state.

At the present time, nuclear physicists have not reported any success in permanently pinning a nucleus in a high spin state, or in producing high spin elements in bulk. The high spin elements are created one atom at a time through high-energy bombardment, and they exist for only a fraction of a second before they decay back to their ordinary low spin configuration. 

However, in recent years, researchers involved in metallurgical pursuits around the world claimed to have discovered a means to pin the metals in a high-spin state. In 1988 David Hudson filed a British patent that outlined the procedure for producing a new form of the transition metals (T-metals) listed above. The new form of the T-metals was called Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements (ORMEs). The inventor suggested that this material, which appears as a fine white powder, represents a monatomic form of the T-metals, in which the electronic (and perhaps even the nuclear) orbitals are rearranged.

The notion that the orbitals in these elements are rearranged comes from the fact that when these materials are subjected to ordinary instrumental assays, the instruments provide false readings. For example, the same material can appear as iron oxide, calcium and silica, or aluminum-silica oxide at different stages of the production process. However, the T-metals can be recovered by electrolysis in the presence of a catalyst, and a final analysis then shows that there is no iron, calcium, silica, or aluminum present. Alternatively, the ORMEs can be subjected to a 300-second, rather than a typical 15-second, carbon arc fire assay to reveal the presence of the T-metals. Although Hudson’s patent details the process to produce ORMEs from refined T-metals, he also claims that ORMEs naturally exist in certain volcanic soils as well as certain plants grown in volcanic soils.

Even more intriguing are the strange physical properties associated with ORMEs. When the ORMEs material is gradually heated and cooled during the annealing process, its weight may fluctuate over a wide range as it is gradually heated and cooled. At one point in the cycle, it appeared to weigh as much as 900% of its original weight, and at another, it appeared to weigh less than zero! Such fluctuations have never been observed when annealing ordinary T-metals. 

Over and above these unexplained empirical results, the inventor claims that the ORMEs material may also have dramatic regenerative properties. Although the mechanism for these properties is not well understood, Hudson recited a number of anecdotes of anomalous remissions by those taking ORMEs. Although Hudson planned to establish a plant outside Phoenix to produce ORMEs, a serious accident involving an acid spill occurred just as the plant was to come on-line, and the EPA shut him down. At the present time, he has no plans to pursue this project. 

Classical science teaches us that the three phases of matter are gasses, liquids, and solids (and the newer plasmas, Bose-Einstein condensates and liquid crystals). Some solids crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. What classical science does not teach us is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called monatomic. These monatomic materials have ceramic-like properties. 

Nuclear physicists discovered in 1989 that the atoms of some elements exist in microclusters. These are tiny groups of between two and several hundred atoms. Most of the transition group precious metals in the center of the periodic chart exhibit a monoatomic state. If you have more than a specific number of these atoms in a microcluster, the atoms will aggregate into a lattice structure with metallic properties. If you have fewer than that critical number of atoms, that microcluster will disaggregate into monatomic atoms with ceramic properties. Monatomic atoms are not held in position by electron sharing with their neighboring atoms as are atoms in a classical lattice structure. The critical number of atoms for rhodium is 9 and the critical number of atoms for gold is 2. 

The significance of this is that if you have two or more gold atoms in a microcluster, it will exhibit metallic characteristics. However, if you have 9 or fewer atoms in a microcluster of rhodium atoms, the microcluster will spontaneously disaggregate to become a group of monatomic rhodium atoms. You might wonder why there is one equilibrium state at a certain deformation level and a different equilibrium state at a different level of deformation. This is a question for nuclear scientists to ponder. 

It has been observed that the valence electrons of monatomic elements are unavailable for chemical reactions. This means that monatomic atoms are chemically inert and have many of the physical properties of ceramic materials. Because the valence electrons are unavailable, it is impossible to use standard analytical chemistry techniques to identify a monatomic element. 

After reading the above statement, one observer commented that the statement is not altogether true. He says: "There is a sort of shadow chemistry which still works on monoatomic elements. Hudson speaks of the same color changes in monatomic chemistry as occur in metallic chemistry. From alchemical understanding, I suspect that similar chemical reactions still occur but at a much reduced rate. In other words, a chemical process which takes a few days with metallic chemistry may take months or years using this "shadow chemistry." For the sake of consistency, we might want to call this "shadow chemistry" "alchemy." 

What the observer says may be true but he doesn't explain the physical mechanism at work here. Are the valence electrons unavailable for reactions in monatomic elements or not? Also, simply assigning a name to a phenomena doesn't explain the phenomena. 

These are very recent discoveries and the full implications have yet to be evaluated by the scientific community. You won't find this in textbooks yet. 

In general, a metallic element is physically stable and is a relatively good conductor of both heat and electricity and is usually chemically active. (Metals typically rust and/or corrode.) To the contrary, monatomic atoms of the same element behaves more like a ceramic in that they are generally poor conductors of both heat and electricity and are chemically inert. In addition, according to Hudson, monatomic elements exhibit the characteristics of superconductors at room temperature. 

Russian scientists at the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Earth's in Kiev explicitely state in their literature that atoms in lattice structures are metallic in nature and that these same atoms in the monatomic state are ceramic in nature. However, Dr. Kogan of the institute does not support all of Hudson's findings as being scientifically valid. It would be worthwhile if we could obtain a detailed critique of Hudson's work from that institute. 

Monatomic atoms have been observed to exist in all the heavy elements in the center of the periodic table. These are the elements which have "half-filled" bands of valence electrons and include the following elements. Their atomic numbers are given in parenthesis (the atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus.) Ruthenium (44), Rhodium (45), Palladium (46), Silver (47), Osmium (76), Iridium (77), Platinum (78), and Gold (79). Other metallic elements in the same part of the periodic table have also been observed in microclusters. 

Because the atoms of monatomic elements are not held in a rigid lattice network, their physical characteristics are quite different from atoms which are locked in the lattice. Thus, it is the grouping of atoms which defines the physical characteristics of the element; not just the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus as previously believed. If you don't have a lattice network, you don't have a metal even though the atoms of the two forms of matter are identical! 

The implication here is that there is an entirely new phase of matter lurking about the universe. This form (phase) of matter is comprised of monatomic elements; a heretofore unknown form (phase) of matter. They have remained unknown for so long because they are inert and undetectable by normal analytical techniques. 

This might be nothing but a scientific curiosity except for the fact that Hudson now claims that a relatively large amount of this previously undiscovered monatomic matter seems to exist in the earth's crust. 

How could it be that a small percentage of the earth's matter could be comprised of material which heretofore has been completely undiscovered? It has to do with the theory of analytical chemistry. None of the detection techniques of analytical chemistry can detect monatomic elements. They can only detect elements by interacting with their valence electrons. Because the valence electrons of monatomic atoms are unavailable, the atoms are unidentifiable. To detect a monatomic element requires that you first convert it from its monatomic state to its normal state to allow the element to be detected with conventional instrumentation. As a result, this phase of matter has existed as a stealth material right under the noses of scientists without detection until very recently. 

Some observers claim that there should be reliable detection techniques for monatomic matter but you have to know what you are looking for to make use of the techniques. If you do not suspect that monatomic matter exists, it is unlikely you will accidentally find it. 

The monatomic form of an element exhibits physical characteristics which are entirely different from its metallic form. These differences are currently being investigated by nuclear physicists so it isn't possible to make an exhaustive list of the differences. A few of the differences will be noted. 

Classical literature states that the white powder has a fluorescent-like glow. Hudson says that this powder behaves as a superconductor at room temperature, giving it very interesting properties. Because it is a superconductor, it tends to "ride" on the magnetic field of the earth, giving it the powers of levitation. It has been found to be very difficult to determine the specific gravity of monatomic elements because the weight varies widely with temperature and the magnetic environment. Under some circumstances, monatomic elements weigh less than zero! That is, a container full of monatomic matter could be observed to weigh less than the empty container. 

These elements have characteristics akin to porcelain in that they do not chemically react with anything and are very stable, durable and heat resistant. Some of the potential applications of monatomic elements are discussed later in this report. 

Because monatomic atoms are not held in place by a rigid lattice structure, the coulomb forces cause the atoms to distribute themselves much further apart than their metallic counterparts. Thus, the physical material appears as a fluffy powder. For example, the specific gravity of metallic iridium is about 22, whereas the specific gravity of monatomic iridium is about 3 - a difference of greater than 7 times. One way to view this phenomena is to examine popcorn. In the unpopped state, popcorn is a rather dense material. However, if you were to heat the kernels, the kernels dramatically change shape and texture to that of popped popcorn which has a much lower density than the original kernels. 

It has been experimentally observed that monatomic atoms distribute themselves in a very orderly manner in a wave pattern, similar to that of a lattice pattern except at greater distances. This would imply that these atoms have a wave-form of energy associated with them and they arrange themselves in a very definite pattern determined by that energy. Because it has not been previously observed that the coulomb force has wave characteristics, this discovery might suggest that there is yet a third force, as yet unidentified, within the nucleus. Either that or the nature of the coulomb force will have to be redefined to fit the new evidence. As you might observe, these discoveries are on the cutting edge of nuclear physics.

It is truly amazing that nature can offer two identical atoms (identical number of protons, electrons, and neutrons) with such different physical characteristics. The only difference between the two is the manner in which groups of atoms are bonded together. Perhaps the popcorn analogy is quite appropriate. Popped corn and kernel corn are chemically identical yet they have quite different physical characteristics.

Production Methods

Although the exact production techniques for the white powder involve 14 discrete steps, each of which is proprietary and will not be revealed, Hudson did make a few general comments concerning the production methods.

He said the ore is quite plentiful and easily identifiable. It is part of a volcanic eruption which occurred about 60 million years ago and it is readily available in all the western states. He will get his own ore from his own farm near Phoenix. Most of the ore is similar in composition so there isn't much concern about variations in quality.

The first step is to chemically remove all non-monatomic elements such as dirt. This is reasonably easy to do, Hudson says, because they are all reactive with one solvent or another. The end result is a pure, naturally-occurring white powder with a rather definite percentage of each precious element. This is the powder which will be made available to the members of the spiritual foundation. In response to a direct question by the author, Hudson stated that he did not intend to do any separation on any of the material which would be delivered to members of the foundation. Each of the elements, including gold, would be included in the deliverable material in their naturally-occurring proportions. He was further pressed on this point with the question: "Would you consider delivering pure monatomic gold to a member of the foundation? The answer was "no." Pure monatomic gold would only be delivered under royalty agreements to industrial customers. (This is contrary to what Hudson has stated on earlier videos.)

This is an important issue because classical literature only discusses the white powder of gold. It doesn't talk about the white powder of rhodium, iridium, palladium, etc. If the material being delivered by Hudson is not the white powder of gold, then the question comes up: "What is it?" Hudson responded that the materials are identical; the old scribes were simply unaware of all the other monatomic elements riding along with the gold in their white powder.

For industrial purposes, the white powder needs to be separated into the individual elements. Hudson says he has methods to do this for all of the precious elements without ever converting them to the metallic state. He says that gold is the simplest to separate; it is hardest to separate rhodium and iridium from each other. Because there is no particular benefit to separate these two, it is his intention to skip that step and provide the two as a pair unless some particular customer is willing to pay for such a separation. Pure monatomic rhodium or iridium would be special-order items.

As an interesting aside, Hudson noted that Moses had a smelter at Mt. Sinai to heat volcanic ash to 450 degrees Celsius, thereby driving off monatomic atoms of gold which were then collected in the form of the white powder of gold. It was this white powder which comprised manna, the food of the Gods, which fed the Israelites for many years. Hudson said that gold is the easiest of the monatomic elements to collect this way. Most volcanic ash yields several ounces of gold per ton, he said.

The Work Continues

Although Hudson’s work has come to a halt, others have continued to pursue research on the materials. One individual, with 30 years of experience as a metallurgist-chemist, who wishes to remain anonymous, has developed an alternative method to extract monatomic minerals, in the form of a fine white powder, from both T-metals and volcanic ores. Although his method remains a trade-secret, he has been producing these materials for several years now, and has confirmed that these materials display physical properties similar to ORMEs.

This product is the white hydroxide form of the monatomic T-metals produced from natural volcanic ores. After testing a variety of natural ores, the originator selected a particular commercial grade ore that comes from a site near the Arctic Circle. This ore was chosen because of the quantity and ratios of the precious metals contained within it. Processing the ore body involves converting the finely divided T-metals into monatomic minerals, which finally precipitate out of solution as a monatomic T-metal hydroxide. Because the hydroxide form of the minerals also gives false readings under instrumental analysis, it is assumed that the monatomic T-metals that constitute the hydroxide already exist in an orbitally rearranged form.

Several methods of producing the White Powder of Gold are taught in Module 4 of the Alchemy Home Study Program offered through Flamel College. These ancient and modern methods allow small amounts of the powders to be produced by individuals. Currently, the work of Robert Cox holds the most promise for commercial production of monatomic elements for human consumption. His proprietary work in his private laboratory is based on the ancient Egyptian methods, and his products are distributed through the Crucible Catalog.

The Theory of Essence

It is possible that ORMUS elements generate a subtle energetic Essence that pervades the body when they are consumed. This Essence may be viewed as subtle energy that links consciousness with the body. In ancient spiritual traditions this Essence was variously called the Holy Spirit, prana, chi, or life force. It was also called Amrita Rasa, the nectar of immortality.

Perhaps the whirling particles within the high-spin nucleus act to stir the vacuum of empty space the ancient seers around the world considered to be an all-pervading fluid. This stirring action of ORMUS elements may be causing the fluid of empty space to transform itself into the nectar of immortality that serves as the Essence of life itself. This picture is consistent with the creation myth of the ancient Vedic tradition, in which the nectar of immortality is produced by stirring or churning the ocean of consciousness. Modern science tells us that all matter in the Universe is in a state of rotation. Stars rotate around the center of galaxies, planets rotate around stars, and planets rotate on their own axes. All these celestial systems may be understood as cosmic mechanisms to generate life force, the light of life, from the vacuum. This process may also be interpreted on a microscopic scale. Subatomic particles are continuously whirling around the center of the atom trillions of times per second. Is it possible that the high-spin elements act to stir the vacuum, giving rise to a subtle Essence that the ancients called life force, or nectar of immortality?

We believe that when ingested, the ORMUS elements enter the blood stream and pervade the body. Because they are chemically inert, their effects cannot be due to chemical reactions in the body, but due to an energetic effect. We believe that ORMUS elements simply sit in the cells, where they generate the subtle Essence of life. By increasing the Essence in the body on a cellular level, more spiritual intelligence can be expressed through both the mind and body, thus enabling the body and mind to attain a more integrated, holistic state of functioning.


Listen to our podcast interview with David Barbash of Harmonic Innerprizes, by clicking here. Harmonic Innerprizes offer some of the highest quality vibrational supplements in the world.

How To Use

It is the only product in our Natural Monatomic Minerals line that we recommend to be taken with every meal. Either take one capsule with each meal or sprinkle the powder or spray the mineral essence directly on the food. This will increase the life force energy of the food and move it to a higher resonance with the body.
