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          Injection Detoxification

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This is David Wolfe's spike protein neutralization strategy. You can find many of the products in our Injection Detoxificationcollection here.

  • 1-6 drops Colloidal Silver per day
  • 1200-2400mg NAC per day
  • 30-80mg zinc per day
  • 10,000 IU Vit D per day
  • 30ml Liposomal vit C twice a day
  • 500-1000mg Quercetin twice a day
  • Iodine (start with 1-2 drops a day)
  • C60 (1-3 droppers a day)
  • Charcoal 2-4 capsules a day
  • 100-200 mg Serrapeptase  a day
  • Oxygen & ozone therapies

Kate's protocol is Astragalus, Schizandra, Cordyceps, Oxygen and Silver. Also recommended for their high shikimate content: triphala, St Johns wort, comfrey, feverfew, gingko, carrot juice, dandelion leaf, wheatgrass juice.

Whether you received the injections or not, everyone's immune system has been through a beating the past few years, and so it's essential to support your body if you want to remain in optimum health and vitality.